Dark Realms Chat Policy
As owners of Darkrealmschat™.com we aware of your rights, but we have set rules and responsibilities that need to be upheld at this site ( these of which can be read at Site Rules ). You as a chatter or visitor are responsible to read and implement them. If at anytime we feel that these rules have been violated, we have the right to your removal and/or ban from the rooms and/or site altogether.
As owners of Darkrealmschat™.com we aware of your rights, but we have set rules and responsibilities that need to be upheld at this site ( these of which can be read at Site Rules ). You as a chatter or visitor are responsible to read and implement them. If at anytime we feel that these rules have been violated, we have the right to your removal and/or ban from the rooms and/or site altogether.
Darkrealmschat™.com will not accept any liability or responsibility for the content of any communications posted by you to or in this web site nor will it be accountable or subject to prosecution for any violations of any laws or regulations violated by you, pertaining to any country. Darkrealmschat™.com will comply with any court order in disclosing the identity of any person/s posting communications on this web site breaching any of the said violations. It is YOUR responsibility to know the law – Ignorance is no excuse.
Darkrealmschat™.com may terminate any Darkrealmschat™.com membership at any time, for abuse or any other reason that may be Illegal or a violation of Darkrealmschat ™.com's rules. Once you enter Darkrealmschat™.com you agree to indemnify, defend and hold Darkrealmschat™.com blameless from and against any and all third party claims, liabilities, damages, losses or expenses including reasonable attorney's fees and costs arising out of, based on or in connection with your access and/or use of this web site. At no time can anything be copied from this site including graphics, logos, text and/or layouts without specific prior written consent from Darkrealmschat™.com
Darkrealmschat™.com is not liable to refund you your money back should you leave. Once you pay for your membership and have been rewarded your membership benefits you will not receive a refund.
Darkrealmschat™.com is dedicated to maintaining your privacy and confidentiality at all times in a responsible manner. All information we collect from you is done with your knowledge and authorization. Email addresses and any other contact information you may supply are used for notification purposes regarding our website only and any updates pertinent to our website. Any information we collect is considered confidential and will NOT be shared, sold, or transferred to any other entity or organization for any purpose.
Darkrealmschat™.com reserves the right to add, delete or change any content on this website at anytime, without giving prior notice. It's YOUR responsibility to keep informed by viewing and reading information on this site.